So another Thanksgiving has come and gone and we are left with fond memories... and excess pounds. Should we feel guilty about this or make a plan to discipline ourselves in matters of physical fitness?
I Timothy 4:8 – “For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.”
Paul writes to Timothy pastoring a church in Ephesus. Ephesus is located across from the Aegean Sea next to Greece – a country that worshiped the body at the expense of the spirit. Paul is trying to help Timothy understand and teach proper priorities in one’s life. So, he says in verse 7, “discipline yourself for the purpose of godliness.” The word “discipline” also means train. In verse 8, Paul says physical exercise has its value as well as the pursuit of spiritual fitness. Paul encourages both types of training to take place, but that godliness should always have a higher priority. Paul challenges us to “run the Christian race” and commit ourselves as an athlete – ultimately that our entire life may glorify God. We are using something that is of some value (sports and recreation) to pursue something of greater value (godliness) as we run for “the crown that will last forever.”
Studies have shown that exercise gives us physical and mental concentration, stronger muscles and bones, helps us sleep better, reduces fatigue, depression, and anxiety, fights heart disease, and generally gives a longer, healthier life.
Jason David Frank, who famously fought villains in his white metallic armor as Tommy the Power Ranger, encourages physical fitness through his martial arts clothing line "Jesus Didn’t Tap". Frank says, “Jesus is the only one that truly didn’t tap. They say, ‘Oh, he was nailed to the cross so he couldn’t tap.’ Well, you can verbally tap, you can verbally cry, ‘I quit! I give up!’ That’s not what he did. He got crucified for all our sins.”
Let's make exercise a priority – it has some value! It is not a waste of time - it is an investment into your life – your quality of life. Pray and ask God to help you – even if you just start a few times a week to get moving for even just 15 minutes. And then live your life passionately for God – with energy!
Jason David Frank video on Fit TV:
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