Jeremiah 29:7 - Seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the LORD for it, because if it prospers, you too will.
In western culture, we often think that we can change the cultures and systems in which we live. However we often underestimate how much our cultures and systems are actually shaping us. How we think, feel, and live are influenced by the places where we reside. Part of being a sent people is caring about where we live. God cares about the well-being of our city. God’s Spirit is already at work on behalf of the place where we live. Our welfare is always connected to the welfare of the community we are living in. Try as we may, we cannot be insulated from the influences of the neighborhood. God wants us to pray for our communities, invest ourselves in their welfare, and realize that we have an important role to play in our neighborhoods. Endeavor to promote, as far as you can, the prosperity of the places where you interact with others daily.
Jeremiah’s word of encouragement to the Israelites on the brink of despair was that God was at work in the midst of their messy city. The Israelites could settle down, build houses, and seek the welfare of the city where God had sent them into exile because they knew God’s ultimate plans to restore and gather them from all the nations and from all the places where He had driven them. When we understand our spiritual purpose rooted in who God is and who He created us to be, we can look back, like Joseph, over the trials in life, knowing that God has always and will always be with us (Genesis 39:3, 21).
Remember the scene from the movie Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade when
the bad guys had stolen the map to find the “Holy Grail,”? Indiana was distressed at what to do
next. His father, however, reminded his son not to worry, because: “I
wrote the map!” When our own lives seem directionless, we need to
remember that our Heavenly Father has already meticulously drawn out the
maps of our lives (Psalm 139:13-16). As we seek God and come to know
Him more intimately, He will give direction to our lives.
Chris Tomlin: God of this City
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